Returning an item couldn’t be easier. If you’re not completely happy with your artwork, you have 14 days from the date you received the piece to request a replacement or return.
Mo Tuncay
Customs and import taxes: The buyer is responsible for any VAT, tariff, duty, taxes, handling fees, customs clearance charges, etc. required by your country for importing. Please do your research to ensure there are no surprise charges when clearing your package through customs. It is your full responsibility to verify the customs, duties charges, and procedures in your country prior to placing your order. If customs fees and charges are refused at the time of delivery, your order will be returned and you will not receive a refund for shipment costs. If a painting arrives damaged, please contact me within 2 days of receipt. Please mail me a photo of the damage, and I will take it from there.
Transit time required for a shipment: The Netherlands: Delivery takes 1 to 2 business days. Europe: Delivery takes between 2 to 5 business days. Worldwide: Delivery takes between 3 to 15 business days.